2012年9月24日 星期一

My first Eng pra

To be a upright person, huh?


Or who is a upright person exactly?

If a upright person must follow the God, I think maybe I'm a Gentile?

I mean I don't know anything about what God want us to do.

And I always do what I think, I feel.

Are we really the descendants of Adom amd Eve, the father and mather of the human being?

If we're, why I sometimes feel that I fall into a costant sorrow without God blessing?

I always ask "Who I am?'

A inhaitant from the earth?

A soul missing the way?

Or just a lost heart?

But there is one thing I know and have to know:

If I don't try to change, then it won't be change.

Like a vineyard, It'll die without care.

I must take care of it afresh and afresh, and replenish it with love.

The way or the direct may not spring easily, but I think I'll get the answer I'm looking for little by little.

Just keep doing it!

1 則留言:

  1. Hi~ This is kind of moving article.
    However, there are some mistakes, all of them are Misspelled.
    "Adom amd Eve",  it must be "Adam and Eve"".
    "costant sorrow without God blessing", I don't know what you really want to
    mean about "costant", but I think it would be "constant".
    Even Homer sometimes nods.
    Just like you say : "Keep doing it."
    [版主回覆09/26/2012 23:53:35]Haha~
    Actually my friend told me to keep writing in English with ten new words I learned each day.
    Simply because I'm studying the Bible, so the new words I learned just kind of...holy?...or something you know what I'm talking about.
    And I have to say thank you very much to you for correcting my mistakes.
    You have to know that mean a lot to
    If you don't mind, I hope you can keep do this for me.
